Industry Policy Guidelines for JUST

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Industry Policy Guidelines for JUST

(Part-1: Undertaking Testing and Consultancy)

  1. General

In keeping pace with the modern trend and the necessity of generating financial resources by utilizing the available expertise of the University faculty members and nonteaching officers, who are otherwise involved in teaching and research activities and governance, in the form of testing and consultancy services to individual, organizations in the public and private sectors, NGOs and other agencies the framing of Testing and Consultancy Service (TCS) rules is contemplated. The Departments, Laboratories, Centers for Studies, Faculty members and Non-Teaching Officers of the University may take up testing and consultancy work for the aforesaid bodies against payment of Testing and Consultancy Charges or Fees by them. The number of Charges or Fees shall be shared by the rules of the University.

  1. Objectives

In order to achieve excellence in the field of Engineering, Basic science, Biological science and Technology and for the benefit of the country, the TCS of the University will undertake research, testing and consultation works as entrusted to them by the Government, Semi-government, Autonomous bodies and Private parties. Some of the specific objectives are:

1.1 To create an interface between the University and the Industry and Society at large.

1.2 To put the equipment of the University for optimum utilization.

1.3 To build a knowledge bank suitable for the requirements of the industry

1.4 To render expertise knowledge for solving local & national problems.

1.5 To broaden and update professional capabilities of teachers and staff members through solving practical problems.

1.6 To provide expert services to the Government and other Organizations in the field of Engineering and Technology.

1.7 To provide opportunity to the Consultants to better appreciate the industrial and social needs and demands.

  1. Basic Principles

The TCS will operate under CSIRL of JUST in accordance with the following principles:

3.1 The TCS wing will be headed by the Director of CSIRL.

3.2 All testing work will be performed on the basis of written request to CSIRL.

3.3 Any faculty members or staffs of this university must need to inform TCS wing of CSIRL before engaging in any consultancy or testing service and should follow rules.

3.4 The work will be accepted on the basis of the availability of expert teacher(s) and facilities in conducting the work.

3.5 Training and short courses are to be arranged through the Director of CSIRL

3.6 Staff members doing work in the TCS wing will receive monetary reimbursement commensurate with their effort.

3.7The teaching activities and research of the University will be the primary objective. The Director of CSIRL and concerned Departmental Head or his representative will be responsible for the proper allocation of work assignments, so that the normal teaching activities and research work does not suffer.

  1. Functional Procedure

The procedure for selecting and carrying out a work will be as follows:

4.1 A party who desires to have solved a problem or do any testing related to the field of Engineering, Science and Technology at this University will apply to the Director of CSIRL.

4.2 The work will be referred by the Director of CSIRL to the department in compliance with the nature of the job from which the work comes.

4.3 If the Head or his representative of the concern department of the University approves the application; a suitable person or persons will be selected by the Head or his representative to produce a plan of the work, including time and cost estimates. The applicant (party) will be required to pay a fee for this service as laid down in the schedule of fees prepared by the concerned department.

4.4 If the applicant (party) decides to have the research, testing or consultation work carried out in accordance with the proposal, which has been submitted to him, a contract to that effect may be executed (if necessary) between him and the University.

4.5 Then the party will deposit appropriate amount of testing fee to the designated bank account and will provide the testing samples with bank receipt. Later TCS wing will forward the samples to the assigned Dept. for testing purpose.

4.6The Head or his representative will maintain the proper records of the time devoted by the teacher(s) and staff(s), time involved by the machine and the materials used on the project.

4.7Reports on progress or completion of the work will be made as designated in the agreement on the letter head pad of CSIRL with seal.

  1. Financial Rules Regarding Operation of TCS

Service Tax is compulsory on all testing and consultancy services. The rate of Service Tax now is 15% of total testing and consultancy fees. The concerned Department or laboratory related with the test or consultancy, should pay the Tax. The rest amount after tax will be consider as 100% and will be shared according to the following rules: board of the university].